The images come via this week’s Empire magazine cover. In fact, much like comic books, they’re offering a few variant covers. The first features January Jones in all her Emma Frost glory, Michael Fassbender as Magneto and Jason Flemyng as Azazel.

The second shows Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique, James McAvoy’s familiar Charles Xavier pose and Nicholas Hoult all Beasty.
There’s even a third cover for subscribers only, showing Magneto and Xavier on a nice chrome X-background.

So what do you folks think? Even though Jones is basically wearing just a bra for a top, it’s still not as revealing as I expected Emma’s costumes to be. And anyone else think they should have put the blue characters on the red background or some other color? They’re kind of fading into it instead of popping out like they should be. Both Lawrence and Hoult look pretty good to me.
The issue itself has behind-the-scenes access to the prequel, including interviews with director Matthew Vaughn and the cast.
X-Men: First Class is in theaters June 2.
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